Join us for the Silver Spurs Parade this Saturday! Visit our page for more information.

miss silver spurs
pageant rules

  1. AGE: All Silver Spurs Pageants Contestants must be a natural born female and must physically reside in the state of Florida. For the Miss title -between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty-one (21), the Jr. Miss title – between the ages of twelve (12) and fifteen (15) and the Little Miss – between the ages of eight (8) and eleven (11) by the night of the pageant. A copy of the contestant’s birth certificate to verify age MUST be brought to first orientation.
  2. MARRIAGE: All Silver Spurs Pageant Contestants must not be married and/or must not have been married. If selected as a Silver Spurs Queen or a member of their courts, contestant must not become married during her reign.
  3. CHILDREN: All Silver Spurs Pageant Contestants must not be pregnant and/or must not have been pregnant. If selected as a Silver Spurs Queen or a court member, title holder must not become pregnant during her reign. Any infraction of this rule will result in immediate disqualification and forfeiture of her title, monetary gifts and any prizes.
  4. SCHOOL: All Contestants of the Silver Spurs Pageants must be currently enrolled in school, being home schooled, have a High School diploma, College Diploma or the equivalent thereof and be in good standing (good grades). Any contestant or winner who fails to complete the above (by dropping out or getting expelled) will be considered in violation of this rule and will result in disqualification and forfeiture of her title, monetary gifts and any prizes.
  5. SPONSORS: A contestant may obtain more than one sponsor. Upon submission of a $100.00 Sponsorship Fee Payable to: Silver Spurs must be submitted online at the time of application submission. Sponsors are not limited to Osceola County. Remember to list ALL sponsors on your application. Sponsors should be encouraged to assist the contestant financially. Sponsorship is not intended to be just a name advertisement opportunity, but to help relieve some of the contestant’s pageant related financial responsibilities and involve community businesses.
  6. BEHAVIOR: All contestants and Silver Spurs title holders are obligated as role models to portray the highest moral standards and set positive examples by their actions in your private, public and social media lifestyle (Facebook-TwitterInstagram etc.). Any misconduct or inappropriate behaviors will be investigated by the pageant committee.
  7. OTHER TITLES: All Silver Spurs Pageant Contestants/title holders – when competing or while holding a Silver Spurs title, shall not hold or compete for any other queen titles that may pose as a conflict of interest to her time without forfeiting her titles and awards. (This does not mean Prom Queen/Winter Festival Queen etc. -where you do not have obligations throughout the year). Contact the Pageant Directors for any questions concerning this rule prior to obligating yourself.
  8. MANDATORY EVENTS: All Contestants are required to attend all mandatory meetings, orientations and practices prior to the pageant. Non-attendance due to emergency will be taken into consideration and must be followed up with a prompt phone call to the Pageant Director or a committee member immediately. All contestants must be on time for all practices and pageant events. No Gum Chewing or Cell Phones. All pageant practices shall are closed to the public and only contestants and committee members will be permitted to enter. Contestants must check in and out with a designated committee member at the beginning and conclusion of all practices. Contestants will remain together during group pageant outings, i.e., dinners prior to or following practices under the supervision of committee member chaperones. (The signed and notarized Hold-Harmless Agreement submitted with contestant applications applies to this rule). Parents wishing to speak with committee members may do so outside of the practice area prior to or following practices.
  9. APPEARANCES: All Contestants and Silver Spurs title holders must be given approval and permission by the pageant committee to attend any public appearances, to having pictures taken and/or appear on television, radio or websites prior to, during, or after pageant for publicity purposes when representing the Silver Spur Riding Club. If selected as a Silver Spurs Queen or a member of her court, you are expected to return calls and emails promptly and attend all appearances assigned by the pageant committee or Appearance Coordinator throughout the year following your selection.
  10. CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS: Miss & Jr Miss Contestants will be required to wear a full-length dress, any material and style of their choice, for the on- stage portion of the pageant; however, no traditional leather dresses will be permitted. Contestants and title holders are to dress as instructed during practices and events pertaining to the pageant (Reflecting western style). If chosen as a title holder, long sleeve shirts are required per P.R.C.A. rules, in order to appear in the arena during rodeo events, whether riding on the Blue Boot or on horseback. Contestants and title holders shall at no time while attending appearances, show visible tattoos, tongue rings, body enhancements, facial jewelry (i.e. nose, lip, or eyebrow) or excessive earrings.Please limit earrings 2 to each ear (Remember the old saying, “Less is more”.
  11. Contestants, parents/guardians, trainers and pageant coaches must abide by all pageant rules. Any interference or accusations against the integrity of the pageant committee, judges, accountants or other pageant contestants by contestants or their family members or friends of contestants will not be tolerated prior to, during, or following the pageant. The pageant committee holds the right to disqualify a contestant or title holder after investigation of accusations and all decisions of the committee are final.
  12. Upon completion of her year, Miss Silver Spurs will sit on the Pageant Committee for 1 year in an advisory/non-voting capacity.
  13. In the event that any Silver Spurs Queen cannot carry out her duties, the first runner-up will assume the Queens position and obligations for the remainder of her reign. I have read and understand the above rules and regulations for the Silver Spurs Pageants and agree to abide by all. I understand that any infraction of the above rules may result in immediate disqualification and/or forfeiture of all titles, monetary gifts and pageant awards.

Still have questions?